Ol’ Bill is a pivotal character in the “THE TIN CUP CLAN books, and the best friend a body might ever wish for. He possesses a calm, slow wisdom seldom found in this ol’ world. Bill is shrouded in mystery, and no one knows where he came from, he just seems to have always been there, watching over the local children and taking care of the school. Give the following a quick read and I’m certain you’ll find a little of the ol’ man’s wisdom.

I figured I’d use this time with ol’ Bill to pick his brain about the witch story. So, while we were loading the dirty trays, I sorta slipped it in with the conversation.

Mr. Bill, you ever heard anything bout that witch that’s s’posed to be buried in the old cemetery?


What in the world are ye talkin’ about young’un?

I went a little further, you know, the witch, the one folk talk about up at Leech Cemetery.

He gave a moment’s pause, scratching his head through his paper hat. I could tell he was thinking about what he was saying next. Yea, he knew about her; I could tell by how he was acting. He just didn’t know how to change the subject.

What’s a young un like you wanna know about such gobble-de-gook for?

I dunno, just curious I reckon.

He stopped loading the trays and pointed at me with a dirty fork. His tone and face turned deadly serious.

Now, you listen to ol’ Bill and listen good. You and your buddies need to stay well clear of that old cemetery.

You hear?

They ain’t been nothin’, but bad come from messin’ around where a body shouldn’t. Ye need to mind ol’ Bill on this one, understand?

Most folk say they’s evil up there, and believe you me young man; there’s more than one kind of evil in this ol’ world, a lot more.

He turned and went back to loading the trays.

I stood there for a second, pondering his warning. His words sent a chill up my spine, and I began to doubt the wisdom in my little dare.

My time in the washroom flew by; it was soothing in a way. The clatter of trays and dishes, the warm steam spewing from the washer, and the smell of soap. I even enjoyed the company. I was sorry that I had only three days here. I’d be more than happy, to make it an everyday thing.

That’s the last of ‘em son. Looks like a job well done. I reckon I’ll be seein’ ye pretty regular for the next couple days, won’t I?

Yes sir, I’ll be here, lookin’ forward to it.

I hung my apron on a hook and threw my paper hat in the trash.

I returned to class with Bill’s ominous warning firmly in my head.

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