The kind soul of Big David

Friends, I thought it time to introduce you to the members of the TIN CUP CLAN. Firstly, I would like you to meet big David, and get familiar with his family. No, he’s not necessarily the main character but he is possibly the most important. A fact I believe you will discover when you read, THE MYSTERY OF THE LEECH CEMETERY WITCH.

I was in my own world when I arrived at David’s driveway. There wasn’t any way I was gonna try pedaling up the side of that ridge. So, I leaned her against a poplar tree and walked to the house.

When David opened the door, puppies exploded out in every direction and began jumping and pawing my legs. I dropped to my knees and returned the favor, roughhousing and enjoying the smell of puppy breath.

They ain’t gonna bite; they’s just gittin’ to know ye is all. Come on in, friend.

I walked through the door, dragging my leg and the puppies which were now firmly attached to my britches. I was greeted by a world of complete and utter bedlam.

It was a big living room by local standards. A long, well-worn couch sat in front of a large picture window. Clear plastic was stretched over the plate glass, sealing out the cold. Home-made curtains with pretty flowers hung gracefully, framing the glass like a picture frame.

Next to the couch sat a small turned wooden table. On it and in a place of honor sat a large family bible, the “Heart” of the home. It was clearly passed down from generation to generation. The cover was worn and tattered along the edges, which betrayed its age and years of constant use. Closer inspection revealed loose pieces of paper and old photographs poking from the sides, and yet held tightly between the pages. The crown was a frayed crimson ribbon that was sewn securely to its binding and served as a bookmark when eyes became weary of reading.

Standing in the center of the room and with great prominence was the wood stove. A huge “Warm-Morning” sat on the brick hearth, to each side was a tall stack of split wood. The smell of burnt hickory and oak filled the house, which combined with the stove’s intense heat made me feel sleepy, relaxed, and comfortable.

There were kids from floor to ceiling, all of them running, jumping, and laughing. It didn’t seem to faze his Ma, as a matter of fact, I am certain she enjoyed the Malay. She came over, wiped her hands on her apron, and gave me a big hug. The scent of Lavender sachet struck me as I pressed my face into her dress.

How ye doin’ young man?

We’ve just finished supper, but I’ll heat ye up somethin’ if yer hungry.

No thanks, ma’am, I eat before I left. But if you don’t mind, I sure need to call my Ma and let her know I’m OK.

It’s right over there. Make ye self at home. David said his friends was comin’ by for a visit. He’s sure been excited about it.

Her comment made my conscience bother me a bit.

I called Ma to let her know I was there, then found myself a seat on the couch. It was soft as a feather bed, and I sank into it as I relaxed. I sat there for a spell, rubbing soft puppies while enjoying the heat and aroma of the burning wood, just letting the worries melt away.

I understood why David acted so. Even with all the noise and commotion, I felt at ease, at home even. His Ma had the same easy grin as David’s and the same easy nature. His brothers and sisters climbed on him like monkey bars, and he seemed to love it as much as they did.

It seemed all too soon, but a knock came at the door.

David stood up; that’ll be the fellers.

The dogs exploded out the door the second he opened it.

I heard a ruckus on the front porch.

Good God, we’re bein’ attacked by a pack of rabid lassies. Git down, dogs, I ain’t got no hot dogs in my pockets.

Chuckie’s panicked voice was unmistakable. The two ‘em, Chucky and Stick, tumbled into the living room in a pile, puppies barking and nipping at their britches.

Big David was grinning from ear to ear, even showing some teeth.

Aw, they’s just gittin’ to know ye is all, ain’t no use in gettin’ ye drawers in a bunch.

In a bunch?

I gotta have ‘em in a bunch, cried Stick; if I didn’t, those hounds would pull ‘em right off me.

Our main character, Mikey will be our next post along with an excerpt. I hope you like it. Now that you know a bit about big David and his family, I hope you share it with some friends, and as always


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